What Have We Done by Alex Finlay Short summary and review

Exciting news for fans of mystery and suspense! A new thriller book What Have We Done by Alex Finlay is set to be released on 7 March 2023, promising to keep readers on the edge of their seats. With its intriguing plot, complex characters, and heart-pounding suspense, this book is sure to be a must-read for fans of the genre.

The release of a new mystery thriller is always a cause for excitement, as readers eagerly anticipate the chance to dive into a new world of suspense and intrigue. So mark your calendars and get ready to experience the thrill of a lifetime with this release.

What Have We Done book description:

What Have We Done

What Have We Done Short Summary:

In “Savior House”, a group of teenagers finds themselves trapped in a nightmare at the titular group home. Far from being a safe haven, the house is rife with bullying and neglectful adult caretakers. As if that weren’t bad enough, girls begin to disappear without a trace, leaving the remaining teens terrified and unsure of who to trust.

Years later, we catch up with the former teens, now successful adults in their respective careers. But when one of their own is murdered and an assassin starts targeting the rest, they’re forced to confront the demons of their past in order to survive the present. The story is a rollercoaster ride of action and suspense, with moments of absurdity that only add to the thrill.

With a killer on the loose and a gruesome weapon of choice, the tension in “Savior House” is palpable from start to finish. This thrilling tale of redemption and revenge will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

What Have We Done Review:

While I was intrigued by the plot surrounding Savior House and its dark past, I have to admit that I didn’t feel a strong connection to the main characters in this novel. The transitions between past and present were jarring and left me feeling confused at times. However, the pacing and progression of the story managed to keep my attention throughout.

Despite my issues with the character development, I was still invested in the main mystery and appreciated how the author tied up all the loose ends. While this may not have been my favorite book by this author, it still managed to keep me on the edge of my seat with its heart-pounding action and captivating storyline.

In the end, I would give this book a solid four stars for its thrilling plot and satisfying conclusion. As always, I look forward to reading more from this talented author in the future.

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